The Cabinet Secretary Water, Sanitation and Irrigation Hon. Zachariah Njeru EGH, today was the Chief Guest during the County Dissemination Forum in Maralal town.

The Medium Term Plans (MTP) 2023-2027 is geared towards reducing the cost of living, eradicate poverty, create 1.2 Million new jobs annually, expand the tax base, improve foreign exchange balance, and enhance inclusive growth.
This important function is achieved through targeted investments in five core pillars comprising of:
Agriculture, Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Economy (MSMEs), Housing and Settlement, Healthcare, and Digital Superhighway and creative economy.
The program is implemented through five sectors as follows:
1. Finance and production
2. ⁠Infrastructure
3. ⁠Social
4. ⁠Environment and Natural Resources, and
5. ⁠Governance and Public Administration.
The 4th MTP incorporates international obligations and commitments including the United Nations (UN) Agenda 2030 on Sustainable Development and the Africa Agenda 2063. It informs preparation of sector plans, County Integrated Development Plans (CIDPs), Strategic Plans and Annual Performance Contracts for Ministries, Departments and Agencies.
In implementing this MTP, the government through the National Treasury and Economic Planning, has undertaken planning process and implementation as per the Executive Order No.1 of 2023.
In discharging its mandate for the 4th MTP, the State Department for Economic Planning is spearheading the dissemination of information and sensitization of Ministries, Departments and Agencies, County governments, the Legislative, the Judiciary, Constitutional Commissions and Independent Offices, Development Partners, Diaspora Communities, Academia and the general public.
This program will be implemented through various means such as forums, print and broadcast media, as well as digital platforms to ensure wide distribution and accessibility.
Later the CS answered questions from the invited audience as well as addressed the Media on the same. Since the government’s policy on tree planting was introduced to plant 15 Billion by 2032, the CS led both teams from the National and County governments to plant trees in AIC Moi Girls School in Maralal, Samburu county. The CS also inspected the ongoing construction work on Yamo dam.
The CS was flanked by the Deputy Governor H.E Gabriel Lenegwesi, the Director Irrigation Management Mr. Maurice Opondo, Andrew Eysimkele CEO NWWDA and Samburu County Commissioner John Cheruiyot and his Security team.