This project is being implemented in Marsabit township in Saku Constituency which is the headquarters of Marsabit County. The project commenced on 1st November 2018 vide Contract No. TWSB/ADB/003/2017-2018. By 31st January,2023 it was substantially complete and taken over with the major components such as the dam already operational. The objective of the project is to mitigate water shortage  to the current population of 40000 by increasing water coverage in both the town and its close environs by augmenting supply from a low of 260 m³/day during the dry seasons to 1200m³/day. The scope of the project included construction of the already full 300,000m³ capacity 20m high Bakuli 4 buttress dam, constructing two new Composite Filtration Units (CFUs) each of capacity 25m3/hr, constructing three new masonry storage tanks of total capacity 550m3, constructing 20km long transmission and distribution pipeline and 4 No. water kiosks, and building the capacity of Marsabit Water and Sewerage Company  to manage both the new and old infrastructure mainly by constructing a new two-storey office block.

The percentage of completion of the project currently ( July 2024) stands at 97.5%.

Project Photos

The newly Constructed 20m high Bakuli 4 Dam

Aerial view of the treatment plant compound showing the two newly constructed CFUs and the dosing platforms/tanks (in blue)

Newly Constructed CFUs

Newly Built Marsabit water and Sewerage Company ltd (MARWASCO) Building

Grade 9 house at the Dam Area